The opening of the 2024 Annual Auction is scheduled for October 25, Friday, starting at 7pm, with a special event that will provide first access to the artworks donated for the event. This year, over 170 artists are collaborating with the initiative, reinforcing our network movement, which impacts the production of art and culture in Brazil and abroad, involving artists, the public, institutions, galleries, art collectors, cultural supporters, and all professionals working in the sector.
For this celebration, the menu will be signed by Chef Ina de Abreu, from Bahia and founder of the restaurant Mestiço. With an international career, Chef Ina brings a multicultural and contemporary touch to her cuisine, combining elements of Bahian and Thai cooking.
The party will be hosted by DJs Millos Kaiser and Ademar Britto. Millos, from Rio de Janeiro, is a music researcher, co-founder of the label Selva Discos and the Selvagem party, and has participated in various festivals around the world. Ademar, from Manaus, is a collector, curator, and DJ who frequently performs at national and international events in the art scene.
Since our last meeting, we have remained active and close to our audience. In the first half of the year, we presented at Pivô the exhibition Corpo-casa: dialogues between Carolee Schneemann, Diego Bianchi, and Márcia Falcão, which had more than 6,000 visitors, an unprecedented encounter between generations and languages that highlighted their contributions to contemporary debates on moving images, exploring themes such as identity, gender, and sexuality, while celebrating Carolee’s legacy.
The artistic residency program, held between our locations in São Paulo and Salvador, has contributed to the development and production of over 30 artists, with some residencies concluding in November this year.
With just over a year since Pivô’s arrival in Salvador, and after years of exchanges and dialogues, we have expanded our activities in the city with a culturally significant interdisciplinary project: the revitalization of the Ladeira da Misericórdia/Coatí complex, designed by Lina Bo Bardi, in partnership with the city government and in dialogue with the Bardi Institute.
The Annual Auction is more than just a charitable event; it is a moment to celebrate collective achievements and envision a future that ensures continued support for the artistic community. Supporting Pivô means ensure its catalytic role in contemporary Brazilian artistic production in all its essence.
Pivô Management and Team
October 25th
7pm – 11:30pm
Av. Ipiranga, 200
São Paulo – SP
Pinga is a Brazilian multi-brand recognized for fostering the talent of local brands and standing out as the epicenter of authorial fashion in the country, acting as a catalyst for individual expression and innovation in the fields of fashion, art, and lifestyle.
A year ago, it became integrated with Pivô, featuring pieces and curation from the brand ÃO. This partnership represents a unique collaboration between authorial fashion, contemporary art, and visual experimentation. Its debut as a co-host of the event reinforces the power of dialogue among diverse audiences.

menu by
Ina de Abreu, born in Salvador, Bahia, has Portuguese and mixed heritage, and her first culinary experiences are linked to the influence of her nanny, Martinha, and traditional Bahian food, such as beans and feijoada. At 20, she moved to London with her first husband, Tutty Moreno, and began cooking macrobiotic dishes inspired by the books of Gilberto Gil.
Returning to Brazil in 1972, she continued to cook for musicians, and between 1975 and 1981, she lived in Los Angeles and New York, where she worked at Whole Foods and refined her culinary style.
The chef gained recognition for Brazilian dishes like moqueca and codfish, adapted with macrobiotic influences.
In São Paulo, starting in 1981, Ina led the city’s first natural food restaurants and worked as a chef for the América chain, a pioneer in implementing industrial kitchens and quality control. In 1997, she opened the restaurant Mestiço, which reflects her multicultural and contemporary cuisine, combining elements of Bahian and Thai cooking.

About Millos Kaiser:
Over the course of a decade, carioca Millos Kaiser has established himself as a music researcher and DJ. He is also the co-founder of the label Selva Discos and the party Selvagem. Uncovering hits that never happened is his specialty. Millos has toured extensively through Europe, the United States, and Australia. His sets are unique, composed of tracks from his vinyl collection and original edits. He explores a range of genres, including ambient, reggae, boogie, disco, house, and even techno, with a particular fondness for synthesized productions from the ’80s and ’90s.
About Ademar Britto:
From Manaus, Ademar Britto is a collector, curator, and DJ. With a degree in Curatorial Studies from the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage in Rio de Janeiro, he has been serving as the curator of the SOLO program at ArtRio since 2022. He has written critical texts and curated exhibitions for both historical and contemporary artists. As a DJ, he has performed at fairs, galleries, and national and international events.
Pivô will hold its Annual Auction from October 19 to 26, 2024, featuring over 170 artists who have donated their works for the event (see the list of artists below).
The artworks will be on show at Pivô from October 26 to November 2. The online auction will take place through the iArremate platform on October 26 at 5pm.
The Pivô Annual Auction, held since 2012, is the main source of funding for the institution. The funds raised are used to support Pivô in São Paulo and Salvador, which promotes critical thinking and contemporary artistic production.
Adriano Costa
Alberto Pitta
Alexandre Canônico
Alexandre dos Anjos
Alexandre da Cunha
Aline Baiana
Allan Gandhi
Allan Weber
Ana Bidart
Ana Mazzei
Ana Matheus Abbade
Ana Raylander
Ana Sant'anna
Ana Vaz
Anderson AC
André Griffo
Andres Pereira Paz
Aristides Alves
Arjan Martins
Arquivo Zumvi
Arquivo Mangue
Ayla de Oliveira
Bené Fonteles
Brisa Noronha
Bruno Moreno
Bruno Baptistelli
Bruno Novelli
Caetano Dias
Caetano de Almeida
Camila Sposati
Carmen Garcia
Carolina Cordeiro
Caroline Ricca Lee
Charles Lessa
Clara Benfatti
Cristiano Lenhardt
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané
Daniel Jorge
Dariane Martiól
Darks Miranda
Denilson Baniwa
Diego Bianchi
Elian Chali
Élle de Bernardini
Emanuela Boccia
Eneida Sanches
Erica Ferrari
Fábio Miguez
Federico Herrero
Felipe Rezende
Fernando Marques Penteado
Flora Rebollo
Gabriel Branco
Gabriela Mureb
Gabz 404
Gaya Rachel
George Telles
Giangiacomo Rossetti
Giulia Puntel
Gokula Stoffel
Guga Szabzon
Gustavo Diogenes
Gustavo Caboco
Hal Wildson
Hana Miletić
Iah Bahia
Igi Lola Ayedun
Iran do Espírito Santo
Isabela Seifarth
Ivan Argote
Jaime Lauriano
Janaina Wagner
João Loureiro
João Gravador
José Ignacio
Juca Fiis
Julia Gallo
Juliana dos Santos
Karim Aïnouz
Kasper Bosmans
Katinka Bock
Kent Chan
Lais Amaral
Leda Catunda
Lenora de barros
Leticia Ramos
Lidia Lisbôa
Luciana Maas
Luiz Zerbini
Luiz Queiroz
Luiza Crosman
Lyz Parayzo
Maíra Dietrich
Marcelo Cipis
Marcelo Pacheco
Marcia Falcão
Marcius Galan
Marcos da Mata
Maria Lira
Mariana Castillo Deball
Mario Garcia Torres
Mateus Moreira
Matheus Chiaratti
Matheus L8
Matheus Marques Abu
Matias Oliveira
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy
Mauro Restiffe
Maxim Malhado
Maya Weishof
Mayana Redin
Mayara Ferrão
Milena Ferreira
Moisés Patrício
Natália Quinderé
Nina Beier
Noara Quintana
O Bastardo
Pablo Accinelli
Paloma Bosquê
Patricia Leite
Paula Scavazzini
Paula Siebra
Paulo Nazareth
Paulo Monteiro
Paulo Bruscky
Pedro Zylbersztajn
Pelagie Gbaguidi
Pol Taburet
Raphael Tepedino
Raquel Sena
Raquel Uendi
Rebeca Carapiá
Regina Parra
Renato Rios
Retratistas do Morro
Rodolpho Parigi
Rodrigo Cass
Rose Afefé
Samara Paiva
Saverio Cantoni
Selva de Carvalho
Sergio Chavarria
Sofia Lotti
Soñ Gweha
Sônia Gomes
Tatiana Chalhoub
Thiago Barbalho
Thiago Hattnher
Thiago Honório
Thomaz Rosa
Tiago Sant'ana
Tonico Lemos Auad
Uiler Costa-Santos
Val Souza
Valeska Soares
Vânia Medeiros
Vik Muniz
Vincent Scheers
Vivian Caccuri
Yan Copelli
Yasmin Guimaraes
Yuli Yamagata
Zé Tepedino
Zé di Cabeça