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Ateliê Aberto com Charles Lessa e Wellington Soares

Pivô Salvador invites you to an Open Studio on Friday, May 24, from 1pm to 7pm, with the current artists in residence, Charles Lessa and Wellington Soares.

With the doors of Pivô Salvador open, the artists will be showing their processes and talking about their work directly with the public.

At 5pm there will be a round table talk with the artists, mediated by professor and researcher Eduardo Rocha (PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Postgraduate Program in Culture and Society at UFBA, member of the Research Center on Cultures and Sexualities – NuCuS -, where he coordinates a line of research on cities and sexualities).

Also, the Baiana Lú will be activating the patio with her food tray!

Both artists were selected to occupy the Pivô Salvador under the Flecha program of the Centro Cultural do Cariri’s Artistic Residencies and Exchanges Program. The program is intended for artists from Cariri Ceará to stay in other partner institutions operating on national territory. Soon, it will be Pivô Salvador’s turn to select and support two artists from Salvador and the region for a residency at the Centro Cultural do Cariri.

Come and meet the artists and find out more about the partnership with the Cariri Cultural Center’s Artist Residency and Exchange Program.

Everyone is invited!

Open Studio
Friday | May 24, 2024
1pm – 7pm | Open during the afternoon
5pm | Round table discussion
Rua Boulevard Suíço, 11A, Nazaré – Salvador (BA)
Free admission

Charles Lessa

With a degree in Visual Arts, Charles works in painting with developments in urban art and sculpture. He creates fictions with figurative painting, with which he investigates popular aesthetics in dialogue with contemporary art. He was nominated for the Pipa Prize 2022. He participated in solo and collective exhibitions including “Que na próxima existência se houver eu nasça girafa” at CCBNB/Cariri in 2019, “Uma dose de alegria pura e legítima” at Nós Galeria – São Paulo/SP in 2023. “Viagem à aurora de um novo mundo” at the b_arco gallery in São Paulo/SP in 2020. He participated in the 72nd Salão de Abril, 2021, in Fortaleza. He participated in editions of Concreto – International Urban Art Festival. He was a research artist at the Porto Iracema das Artes Visual Arts Laboratory in 2021. He is taking part in the collective exhibition Bloco do Prazer at MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio, RJ, 2024.

Wellington Soares

Master’s degree holder from the Associated Graduate Program in Visual Arts at the Federal University of Paraíba (PPGAV/UFPB) and a licensed Visual Arts educator from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA). Currently, a researcher in the field of Art Education for Dissident Education within the Research Group Art Teaching in Contemporary Contexts (GPEACC/CNPq), focusing on studies in Educational Processes in Visual Arts and Visual Culture.

Manager of the Creative Practices Laboratory Miriti CRIAMUR and coordinator of the Artistic and Pedagogical Practices Center at the Laboratory of Studies and Creation Bixórdia. Also works as a cultural producer at Ungidas Produtora Cultural. Contributed to the curation of the exhibition “Corpo, gênero e sexualidade – pra quê te quero?” (2021) and to the setup of exhibitions such as Umbanda (2019) by Jaqueline Rodrigues and Carta Para Amante (2017) by Charles Lessa.

As an artist, participated in collective exhibitions such as Autorretratos (2020), Insurgências (2019), and the VII Exposição Fotográfica Contrastes – gênero, tempos, lugares, olhares (2018), as well as the solo exhibition Experiências Amorosas (2020). Their research delves into the body, life, and experiences of dissident individuals.

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