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Pivô's Annual Auction 2023
12/11 - 18/11/23

Pivô is hosting its annual auction from November 12th to 18th 2023, featuring over 160 artists at various stages of their artistic journey who have generously donated their works for the event (see below for the list of artists). The artworks will remain on display at the Pivô space throughout the auction period.

The online auction will take place on November 18th through the iArremate platform.

Do you want to participate? Just register on the platform and watch the online auction that will take place next Saturday. Bids can be placed or scheduled throughout the auction week, while final bids will be determined on the auction night. We recommend registering in advance, as confirmation may take up to 48 hours. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to participate in the auction.

If you’re unable to view the works in person, you can also access them on the website, specially developed for the event by Pivô and the online platform.

On 11/11 (Saturday), the auction was inaugurated with a preview for invited guests. To kick off the day, we will offer a lunch in partnership with the renowned restaurant Mocotó, with Chef Rodrigo Oliveira in attendance, a cuisine that, as he defines, is ‘made with eyes on the world and feet always rooted in the backlands.’

Additionally, the installation A Noite, conceived by Mexican artist Mariana Castillo Deball, which was on display from 02/09 to 29/10 at Pivô, has been reconfigured to serve as furniture and scenography for the event, reusing 100% of the material used in its construction. The new design of the work was proposed by architect Anna Ferrari under the artist’s supervision.

We also have a special performance by PAULO NAZARETH LTDA, who, in support of the institution, has gifted us with a batch of cachaças ‘DESPACHO,’ ideated by the artist himself.

Finally, the event brought together the Preta Batuque project, composed of female samba musicians who present in their shows great songs from the history of samba, this rhythm so important and intimate to Brazilians.


The Annual Auction has been held since the founding of Pivô, and it is one of the most important events of the year and the main source of funding for the institution. The funds raised in the auction are allocated to the maintenance of Pivô, which recently celebrated a decade of existence and has become known for functioning as a meeting point that enables and disseminates critical thinking and contemporary artistic production from São Paulo, always creating national and international networks.

Over the course of its 10-year history, more than 450 artists have contributed to this initiative.

Pivô Annual Auction 2023
Sunday, November 12th, to Saturday, November 18th, 2023
Artworks on display at Pivô from Monday to Saturday, 1 PM to 7 PM, and Sunday, 12 PM to 6 PM

Online auction on Saturday (November 18th) at 5 PM on


abigail Campos Leal, Abiniel João Nascimento, Adriana Coppio, Adriano Costa, Adriano Machado, Adriel Visoto, Aiko, Aislan Pankararu, Alexandre Brandão, Alexandre Canônico, Alexandre da Cunha, Alexandre dos Anjos, Alice Shintani, Aline Motta, Ana Clara Tito, Ana Cláudia Almeida, Ana Hortides, Ana Matheus Abbade, Ana Mazzei, Anderson AC, André Ricardo, Arnaldo de Melo, (AVAF) assume vivid astro focus, Astrid González, Ayla Tavares, Beatriz Cruz, Brisa Noronha, Bruno Baptistelli, Camila Sposati, Carla Santana, Carolina Cordeiro, Caroline Ricca Lee, Charlene Bicalho, Clara Moreira, Colectivo RESET, Daniel Albuquerque, Daniel Steegmaan Mangrané, David Almeida, Débora Bolzsoni, Denilson Baniwa, Denilson Baniwa, Desali, Diambe, Diana Barquero Pérez, Diego Bianchi, Diogo da Cruz, Dora Smék, Efrain Almeida, Élle de Bernardini, Eneida Sanches, Erica Ferrari, Erick Peres, Ernesto Neto, Fabiañá Préti, Federico Pérez Villoro, Felipe Barsuglia, Felipe Rezende, Fernando Marques Penteado, Flora Rebollo, Frederico Filippi, Gabriela Felice Godoi, Gabriela Mureb, Gilson Plano, Gokula Stoffel, Helena Martins-Costa, Helô Sanvoy, Henry Palacio, Iagor Peres, Igi Lola Ayedun, Ilê Sartuzi, Iran do Espírito Santo, Janaina Wagner, João Castilho, João GG, João Loureiro, José Ignacio, Josi, Juca Fiis, Julia da Mota, Julia Retz, Juliana dos Santos, Kelton Campos Fausto, Keyla Sobral, Laís Amaral, Laura Vinci, Lázaro Roberto, Leticia Ramos, Luana Vitra, Lucas Dupin, Lucas Simões, Luciano Feijão, Luiz Roque, Luiza Crosman, Lyz Parayzo, M0XC4, Maíra Dietrich, Mano Penalva, Manuela Costa Lima, Marcelo Cipis, Marcelo Pacheco, Márcia Falcão, Marcius Galan, Marcos da Matta, Maria Lynch, Mariana Rocha, Mariangeles, Marina Dubia, Marina Rheingantz, Marina Schiesari, Marina Woisky, Martina Miño Pérez, Matheus Chiaratti, Matias Oliveira, Mauro Restiffe, Maya Weishof, Mayana Redin, Moisés Patrício, Mónica Heller, Noara Quintana, Olga Carolina, Pablo Accinelli, Paloma Bosquê, Patricia Leite, Paul Setúbal, Paula Scavazzini, Paula Siebra, Paulo Monteiro, Paulo Nazareth, Paulo Nazareth, Pedro Zylbersztajn, Pol Taburet, Pontogor, PV Dias, RAFAEL BQUEER, Ramon Reis, Randolpho Lamonier, Raquel Garbelotti, Raquel Sena, Rebeca Carapiá, Regina Parra, Rodolpho Parigi, Rodrigo Cass, Rodrigo Garcia Dutra, Samara Paiva, Selva de Carvalho, Sérgio Sister, Sol Casal, Sophia Pinheiro, Tatiana Chalhoub, Tchelo, Thiago Barbalho, Thiago Costa, Thiago Honório, Thomaz Rosa, Tonico Lemos Auad, Val Souza, Vânia Medeiros, Victor Mattina, Virgílio Neto, Vitor Cesar, Vivian Caccuri, Wisrah Villefort, Yan Copelli, Yuli Yamagata.

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