The Annual Auction starts the celebration of Pivô’s 10th anniversary and it will be held in a hybrid format between November 18 and 23, 2022.
More than 130 works donated by artists in various stages of their careers, who support Pivô and contribute to the maintenance of the space, will be auctioned at the event. The Annual Auction is supported by a network formed by artists and collectors, making the institution’s full operation possible.The artworks can be visited at Pivô during the auction’s period.
The commemorative edition of the Auction has the partnership of Bolsa de Arte, an auction house and gallery that has been in the art market for over 40 years, and the iArremate platform. The final bids will be received online on November 23, 8 pm.
The auction makes possible our commitment to keep Pivô’s space open with a relevant programme, supporting artists from different contexts in their practices, research and presentation of new works.
List of artists participating:
Adriana Coppio, Adriana Vignoli, Adriano Costa, Adriano Machado, Adriel Visoto, Alessio Mazzaro, Alexandre da Cunha, Alexandre dos Anjos, Amador e Jr. Segurança Patrimonial Ltda, Ana Clara Tito, Ana Flávia Marú, Ana Hortides, Ana Mazzei, Anderson Borba, Antonio Malta, Antônio Oba, Astrid González, AVAF, Ayla Tavares, Brisa Noronha, Bruno Baptistelli, Camila Sposati, Charlene Bicalho, Clara Moreira, Cristiano Lenhardt, Daiara Tukano, Daniel Albuquerque, David Almeida, David Cevallos, Denilson Baniwa, Denise Alves-Rodrigues, Desali, Élle de Bernardini, Elvis Almeida, Erica Ferrari, Erika Verzutti, Ernesto Neto, Felipe Barsuglia, Felipe Rezende, Fernando Marques Penteado, Flora Rebollo, Frederico Filippi, Gabriela Felice Godoi, Gilson Plano, Giulia Puntel, Gokula Stoffel, Gustavo Speridião, Iagor Peres, Igi Lola Ayedun, Ilê Sartuzi, Iran do Espírito Santo, Jac Leirner, Jaime Lauriano, Janaina Tschape, Janaina Wagner, Javier Calvo, João Loureiro, Julia da Mota, Juliana dos Santos, Laura Lima, Laura Vinci, Leandro Lima, Leda Catunda, Lenora de Barros, Leticia Ramos, Luana Vitra, Lucas Simões, Luciana Maas, Luiz Roque, Luiza Crosman, Lyz Parayso, Madeline Jimenez Santil, Maira Dietrich, Mano Penalva, Manuela Costa Lima, Marcela Cantuária, Marcelo Cipis , Marcia Xavier, Marcius Galan, Marepe, Maria Laet, Maria Lira, Maria Lynch, Maria Noujaim, Mariana Palma, Marina Schiesari, Marina Perez Simão, Matheus Chiaratti, Mauro Restiffe, Maya Weishof, Moara Tupinambá, Moisés Patrício, Noara Quintana, Pablo Accinelli, Paloma Bosquê, Patrícia Leite, Paula Scavazzini, Paula Siebra, Paulo Monteiro, Paulo Nazareth, Paulo Nimer Pjota, Paulo Pasta, Paulo Pires, Pedro Victor Brandão, Pedro Wirz, RAINHA F., Randolpho Lamonier, Raphael Escobar, Rebeca Carapiá, Renata Felinto, Rodolpho Parigi, Rodrigo Andrade, Rodrigo Cass, Rodrigo Matheus, Sergio Sister, Sofia Borges, Sophia Pinheiro, Tadáskía, Tatiana Gaspar Chalhoub, Thiago Barbalho, Thiago Honório, Thomaz Rosa, Tiago Carneiro da Cunha, Tiago Mestre, Tonico Lemos Auad, Val Souza, Victor Galvão, Virgílio Neto, Yan Copelli, Yhuri Cruz, Yuli Yamagata.