Acompanhe o programa de vídeos da mostra 'de montanhas submarinas o fogo faz ilhas'
Follow the video programme that integrates the exhibition ‘from underwater mountains fire makes islands’ curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel.
The exhibition ‘from underwater mountains the fire makes islands’ is part of a curatorial research project that Yina Jiménez Suriel began in 2019, around the expansion of human subjectivities that contributes to the creation of new and different imaginaries. In the last year, the research has focused on deepening the study on the human perceptual system and how to contribute to expand it through aesthetic thinking.
Organized in three mountain groups: the first mountain has two islands – this exhibition is a video show with in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; the second mountain has only one island – the editorial publication, whose aim is to compile, share and translate reflections from linguists, curators and writers who have been fundamental to the research up to this point; and the third and last mountain also has an island – which are conversations around the generation of imaginations in the human species. The present video show is a kind of satellite of the programme that will be on show in the Dominican Republic.
Sep 03rd – Sep 11th
Rhythm of N’gola Rhythms (1978) – António Ole
Luz Blanca: Reminiscencias de un lugar al que nunca fui | White light: Reminiscenses of a place I never went (2021) – Dalissa Montes de Oca
Sep 14th – Sep 21st
Luz Blanca: Reminiscencias de un lugar al que nunca fui | White light: Reminiscenses of a place I never went (2021) – Dalissa Montes de Oca
cenas de corpo e segredo (2022) – loren minzú
Sep 22nd – Sep 29th
cenas de corpo e segredo (2022) – loren minzú
Mandacura (2015) – biarritzzz
Sep 30th – Oct 07th
Mandacura (2015) – biarritzzz
Cállate la boca (2017) – Thaís Espaillat Ureña
Oct 08th – Oct 15th
Cállate la boca (2017) – Thaís Espaillat Ureña
Why do you call me when you know I can’t answer the phone (2012) – Dineo Seshee Bopape
Oct 16th – Oct 23rd
Why do you call me when you know I can’t answer the phone (2012) – Dineo Seshee Bopape
La cabeza mató a todos (2014) – Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Oct 24th – Oct 31st
La cabeza mató a todos (2014) – Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
Intersticio (Interstice) (2012) – Elena Damiani
Nov 01st – Nov 06th
Intersticio (Interstice) (2012) – Elena Damiani
Rhythm of N’gola Rhythms (1978) – António Ole
‘de montanhas submarinas o fogo faz ilhas’ é co-representada por Pivô e KADIST.