Pivô Editions - Paulo Nimer Pjota

In 2017, Pivô launched – in partnership with CARBONO GALERIA – a limited editions programme.
For the second edition, the guest artist is Paulo Nimer Pjota, who took part in the project “Temporary Studio” in 2013. Pjota casted the head of Greek god’s Apolo in bronze, presenting it along with painted eggs. In his practice, the artist casually overlaps the visual energy of the megalopolis’s outskirts with images appropriated from vernacular architecture and ancient history’s vocabulary.
On September 20th at 7pm at Carbono Gallery, Pjota and Fernanda Brenner, Pivô’s artistic director, hold an open talk about the artist’s project for this edition.
For more info:
Carbono Gallery
R. Joaquim Antunes, 59 – Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo