Pivô Satélite #5: Sylvia Fernandes e Rodrigo Andreolli integram a terceira parte de 'Conmoción total en mis células', com curadoria do coletivo Bisagra
Sylvia Fernández and Rodrigo Andreolli occupy, from October 06, Conmoción total en mis células [Total commotion in my cells], fifth edition of the Pivô Satélite. The works in the show are the result of a process defined by them as “telepathic and meditation”. From their meeting, the artists sought to create spaces of dialogical experimentation, permeated by the attempt of a deep listening, and by the dilution of the borders of what we understand as humans. The artists evoke certain porous relationships that connect the most intimate with the most universal. About this mutual accompaniment, they tell us:
For this ‘conmoción total’, we started from telepathic encounters and meditation practices. We began without defining the exact destinations of the forms in production, we tried to experience an empathic connection in the distance, letting intuition and the surrounding environment bring us the reasons and images. Through sensorial expansion, we searched for the confluences of our gazes and our listening, we put our bodies and intentions in an open conversation that unfolds through different means, but in company. Contemplating each other’s process from an affective state, we started a dialogue between landscapes, shapes, colors and times, mixing paintings, video, writing and dance. Now we invite whoever looks, whoever arrives here, to enter this landscape that we are holding together.”
Conmoción total en mis células is the title of the fifth edition of the Pivô Satélite programme. The project is curated by the Bisagra collective and also brings proposals by Gianfranco Piazini, Diego Vizacarra, Sylvia Fernández, Rodrigo Andreolli, Rita Ponce de León, Shinnosuke Niiro and Yaxkin Melchy. The artists will occupy the platform with proposals organized from the collaboration between two or three artists. The result will be an exhibition that invites the exchange of the creative universes of the invited artists.
The digital platform Pivô Satélite is a project room within the Pivô website. Its program is conceived by artists and curators invited by the institution and comprises artistic proposals in various formats, especially designed for digital media.
In 2022, instead of inviting independent curators to program each edition of the Satellite Pivot, we will invite institutions based in Latin America that, like the Pivô, act directly in the promotion and dissemination of an emerging contemporary artistic production in the region. In this new format we aim to create opportunities for exchange and circulation of Brazilian artistic production and broaden the dialogue with neighbouring countries. The second guest of 2022 is the Peruvian curatorial platform Bisagra, managed by Andrés Pereira Paz, Eliana Otta, Florencia Portocarrero, Iosu Arambaru, Juan Diego Tobalina and Miguel A. López
In Conmoción total en mis células [Total commotion in my cells] it seeks to “expand our understanding of the boundaries between human and non-human living beings and challenge the dichotomies between the personal and the social, life and death”. The curators urge us to question and admit the interdependencies and vulnerabilities of beings in relation to the world around them.
“Do our bodies really belong to us … do I have a body or am I a body? After two years of pandemic, our overlap with the world of the living – understood in a broad, non-anthropocentric sense – has become evident; revealing that we lack words and images that allow us to represent the porosity that constitutes us and runs through us as inhabitants of this planet.”
04.08 a 31.09 – Esteban Igartua + Genietta Varsi
01.09 a 28.09 – Gianfranco Piazzini + Diego Vizcarra
29.09 a 26.10 – Sylvia Fernández + Rodrigo Andreolli
27.10 a 23.11 – Rita Ponce de León + Shinnosuke Niiro + Yaxkin Melchy