1992, lives and works at Goiás, Brazil
Ana Flávia Marú (Itumbiara, Goiás, 1992) is an artist and urban architect. Her work transits between architecture, daily life and fiction. She is interested in narratives that escape and play with the hegemonic discourses of the contemporary city. Her practice uses several supports such as painting, drawing, audiovisual, and the appropriation of existing objects and archives.
Marú participated in the residencies Trampolim, mergulho para jovens artistas (Goiânia, 2018) and Ateliê Livre da Escola de Artes Visuais (Goiânia, 2020/2021). With the video work Vagalume she participated in theXII Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de São Paulo (São Paulo, 2019). She was awarded at the 2º Salão de Arte em Pequenos Formatos de Britânia (Britânia, 2020). She is part of the research and practice group História Natural de Goyaz [Natural History of Goyaz] (Goiânia, 2019) and since 2020 she has been a scholarship holder in the Curatorial Follow-up Program Hermes Artes Visuais.