1996, lives and works at São Paulo, Brazil
Ana Matheus Abbade (São Gonçalo, b. 1996) is an artist, essayist and activist. In 2015 and 2017, she attended the Parque Lage School of Visual Arts in Rio de Janeiro. Started without completing a degree in Visual Arts at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (IART-UERJ). Participated in the residencies “Temos Vagas” – Ateliê 397 (São Paulo, 2019), Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado Residence (São Paulo, 2018), Jardim Suspenso da Babilônia (Rio de Janeiro, 2016) and Saracura (Rio de Janeiro, 2016). She received an Honorable Mention at the III Reynaldo Roels Jr. Award. Ana participated in national group exhibitions such as Começo de Século / Beginning of the Century, curated by Germano Dushá (Galeria Jaqueline Martins, 2019), Somos mais de milo / We are more than a thousand, curated by Marta Mestre (Parque Lage, 2016) and Depois do Futuro / After Future, curated by Daniela Labra (Parque Lage, 2016) and internationals such as A Hora Instável / Instable Hour, curated by Germano Dushá (Galeria Bruno Murias, Lisbon, 2019), Corpo Aberto – Um arquivo de sentimentos, curated by Léa Meier and Valentina D’Avenia (Emergency, Vevey, 2019) and Peixe Voador / Flying Fish, curated by Dereck Marouço (apoidea Kunst, Berlin, 2017).