1991, lives and works at Paris, France
Annabelle Aventurin (b. 1991, France) is film archivist and responsible for preserving and distributing Med Hondo’s archives at Ciné-Archives in Paris. In 2021 she coordinated, with the Harvard Film Archive, the restoration of Hondo’s films West Indies (1979), and Sarraounia (1986). She is also a film programmer. In 2022, she completed her first documentary film, Le Roi n’est pas mon cousin (30 min. France/Guadeloupe), screened at Cinéma du Réel, Third Horizon Film Festival (Miami), Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal and in France, Martinique and French Guiana.
The artist participated in the video program that took place in parallel to the itinerancy of Oriana, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz’s solo show at the argos, in 2023