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02:42 - 09/10/2023
Ariana Nuala

1993, Recife

Ariana Nuala (Recife, Brazil — 1993) is engaged with artistic collectives that discuss issues related to power and permanence, seeking visible and invisible webs that make possible the existence of collective practices that constantly update notions of diaspora. Combining strategies that originate in the body and condense into writing, she proposes to make her curatorial work a poetic exercise. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Art History from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). She has training in the academic program of the expanded campus Museos/Anti-Museos at UNAM (2019) and received a higher diploma in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from CLACSO (2021). She currently works as the Education and Research Manager at the Francisco Brennand Workshop and was the educational coordinator at the Murillo La Greca Museum (2018-2020). She is an organizer at CARNI - Black and Indigenous Art Collective and is also active in the National TROVOA, coordinating the independent platform Práticas Desviantes and the PULO - Platform for Studies on Diaspora Images. @socorrrrrr