1981, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Beatriz Lemos works with curatorship and research, and is responsible for the idealization and direction of the Lastro - Free Exchanges in Art platform. From counter-hegemonic perspectives, she works in the conduction and articulation of networked and transdisciplinary processes of creation and learning. Between 2015/2016 she was Visiting Curator at Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (RJ), developing the creation of the current bases of the Library|Documentation and Research Center of EAV. In 2015, she held the residency Lastro Centroamérica, with Brazilian artists and curators, between Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Mexico, resulting in the exhibition Lastro em campo: percursos ancestrais e cotidianos, at Sesc Consolação (SP) in 2016. She was part of the curatorial commission of the 20th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil (2017) and the Pampulha Grant (2018/2019), and coordinated the artist residency Travessias Ocultas - Lastro Bolívia, which unfolded into an exhibition at Sesc Bom Retiro (SP, 2016/2017). Between the years 2019/2021 she integrated the curatorial team of the 3rd Triennial of Arts - Frestas (Sorocaba, SP). She is currently Adjunct Curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro (MAM). Invited curator Pivô Research 2021 Cycle I. Beatriz has participated in the seminar 'Cosmovisions on Land and Entangled Futures' 2023.