1980, lives and works at Porto Alegre, Brasil.
Based in Belém since 2014, she is an artist, curator, and facilitator/activator of artistic processes. She holds a bachelor’s degree (2005) and a master’s degree in Literature (2009) from UFRGS, along with a specialization in Curatorial Practices and Cultural Management from Faculdade Santa Marcelina/SP (2011).
From 2015 to 2022, she led RaioVerde, a research and shared creation platform in the field of visual arts situated in the Brazilian Amazon. A collaborator at Associação Fotoativa since 2014, she served as president from 2017 to 2021 and coordinated the Research and Documentation Center, contributing to the implementation of initiatives such as the Projection Show, the Residency Program, and Marca d’Água, a fair for independent publications. She has also organized and developed projects with other artists, exhibitions, and public programming. In 2021, she coordinated the Pará Visual Arts Call under the Aldir Blanc Law in partnership with Fotoativa and Secult/PA. In 2020, she received the Funarte Photographic Conservation Grant Solange Zúñiga to research the institution’s archives.
Curatorial Work
She has curated several exhibitions, including:
- Fotoativa: une expérience photosensible (collective curatorship), part of the Rencontres Photographiques de Guyane festival, Cayenne, French Guiana (2021);
- Matérias, solo exhibition by José Viana, Galeria Theodoro Braga, Belém/PA (2020);
- Sobre sueños abismos y otras fronteras – Fotoativa ayer y hoy, co-curated with Irene Almeida, Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo (2019);
- Atravessamento: Fotoativa ontem e hoje, at Sesc Sorocaba, Sesc Ribeirão Preto, and Associação Fotoativa (2018-2019).
Since 2014, she has engaged in artistic/curatorial mentoring, establishing the program Diálogos Curatoriais in 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. She has also developed process-based curatorial projects with artists such as Duane Bahia (Tintas Aurora, SP, 2014), Denis Rodriguez (Pariwat jenipapo, Belém, 2016), Martín Pérez (Narrativas Erráticas, Belém, 2017), Véronique Isabelle (Todas as Águas, Belém, 2018), and José Viana (Breu das Horas, Belém, 2018). Notable collective curatorial works include Alastramento (Ateliê 397, SP) and Alfabeto de Ficções (Fotoativa, Belém), both in 2015.
Her project Mundos Imaginados, culminating in a publication in 2021, was awarded the Preamar de Cultura e Arte Prize (Secult/PA), involving three experimental creation labs in a network format.
Artistic Practice
Her poetic practices traverse themes of displacement, landscape, body and space, tensions between word and image, independent publications, and collaborative practices. Recent works include:
- OUBOUR / عبور – Marseille / Alger / Ghardaïa, with the series Lignes de Ghardaïa, at Galerie des grands bains douches de la Plaine, Marseille, France (2023), a result of the residency TRAVERSER with the Suspended Spaces collective.
- Linhas em Movimento, her first solo exhibition, awarded the Prêmio Branco de Melo 2022, Galeria Theodoro Braga.
- The collective exhibition Entre Processos, with the installation Movimento (Candeeiro, Belém, 2021).
- The publication Fordlândia, featuring Le château d’eau, organized by the Suspended Spaces collective.
As part of RaioVerde, her work Caxina Machu: o reino das sementes vazias won the Incentivo às Artes Visuais e Fotografia – Imagens Cotidianas prize by Sesc Pará and was featured in Luz do Norte, 10th Tiradentes Photography Festival (2020/2021).
Other notable participations include:
- Mapping Fordlândia, part of the exhibition On Fail[l]ed Tales and Ta[y]lors (La Tabakalera, San Sebastian, 2019).
- Retour de Fordlândia, with works Seedspaces and Goutte à goutte, exhibited at La Colonie (Paris) and La Tôlerie (Clermont Ferrand, 2018).
- 330 (ou sobre uma única viagem), part of the Paço das Artes/SP Project Season (2016).