1982, lives and works at São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Charlene Bicalho (João Monlevade, Minas Gerais, 1982) is an artist, curator of creative connections, and an independent researcher. She works in experimental video, performance, text, installation, intervention, and photography, emerging from the intersection between institutional critique, reflections on the legacy of traditional communities, power relations, and non-hegemonic learning processes. Her background in business administration and experiences in cultural management in the public and private sectors, informs an interdisciplinary creative practice that encompasses artistic, activist, critical and curatorial interests containing the desire for divergent visualities. In addition to being the creator, she served as manager and educator of the Raiz Forte Project (2012-2018), a multidisciplinary platform for artistic and educational investigations and productions of Afro-Brazilian cultures and identities. Independent artist awarded by cultural edicts, in recent years, she has participated in exhibitions and performed actions in France, Belgium, the United States, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay, and Brazil, of which highlights: Atos Modernos (BR), Arqueólogas do Afeto (PT), O tempo das coisas (BE) and Obscure beauté du brésil (FR). She was one of the artists nominated for the Pipa 2021 Award, currently guides artists through the [DES]manches mentorship, teaches courses and workshops, and is an assistant at Ateliê Rosana Paulino.
The artist participated in Pivô Pesquisa 2023