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02:43 - 09/10/2023
Dalissa Montes De Oca

1998, Dominican Republic

In between non-fiction, ethnography, and collective memory, Dalissa Montes de Oca's work engages with the Dominican social and political context and its dualities with the construction of fragmented identities. In her thesis film "Pacaman", she explored both cinema verité and experimental approaches for painting a striking portrait of Santo Domingo. Through digital, analog and hybrid formats she explores the possibilities for digging into a habitat's possibilities of representation. Pacaman premiered at Doc Buenos Aires (2021) and took first prize in FICUNAM Competencia Aciertos (2022). The film had its USA premiere at Metrograph NYC, along with the series Unraveling Paradise, curated by Dessane Lopez Cassell. She is currently a Fellow in the MFA in Documentary Media Program at Northwestern University. The artist participated in the video program of the show 'from underwater mountains fire makes islands', curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel, in 2022.