PT | EN |
03:17 - 09/10/2023
danie valencia sepúlveda

1990, Mexico

An errorist, educator, translator, cultural programmer and independent researcher, he founded the Círculo Permanente de Estudos Independentes, a counter-pedagogical research platform that, among other projects, develops the continuous deformation course Menos Foucault, Más Shakira. He is currently editor of Terremoto magazine. Since 2020, he coordinates the La Raza Cósmica Laboratory, whiteness technologies and racial archives in coloniality, along with 16 other artists and researchers from our region, he has carried out research residencies and artistic translation at institutions such as the Centro de Arte Museo Reina Sofía, in Madrid, Spain , CAPACETE in Rio de Janeiro, Translation House Looren in Hinwill, Switzerland, Matéria Abierta at CDMX and Salzburg Summer Academy coordinated by Cosmin Costinas and Inti Guerrero. She is co-curator of the audiovisual exhibition A muerte no es o fim; It’s singing in the village of Los Vivos next to Karkará Tunga. In addition to coordinating the circle of reading, research and study on mental health, subjectivity, neoliberalism and psychic suffering.

Participated in the Study Program: “Knowledge in conviviality: what I don’t see also exists” – Pivô Pesquisa 2023.

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