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20:05 - 21/11/2023
Daniel Steegmann Mangrané

1977, in Rio de Janeiro

The work of Daniel Steegmann Mangrané often examines the hazy area that exists between strictly oppositional notions in Western culture, such as culture and nature, subject and object, reality and reverie, seen and hidden. The artist frequently pairs diverse elements such as the natural with the artificial or places them in alien environments. In doing so, the artist fabricates situations where predetermined hierarchies bow out and the boundaries of seemingly inverse things dissolve to provide new vistas of middle grounds. His practice encompasses a wide range of media, including film, sculpture, sound, gardens and drawing, focusing on the creation and migration of forms between nature, art and architecture. The artist is particularly interested in biological and morphogenetic processes, which he uses as inspiration for the creation of works that, responding to self-imposed systems of chance and rule-based principles of composition, undermine the boundaries between organic and man-made aesthetics and the traditional separations between objects and subjects.


Recent solo shows include Ne voulais prendre ni forme, ni chair, ni matière, Institut d’Art Contemporain de Villeurbaine, Villeurbaine (2019); A Transparent Leaf Instead Of The Mouth, CCS Bard College, New York (2018); –’- –’-, Fundació Tàpies (2018; A Transparent Leaf Instead Of The Mouth, Museu Serralves, Porto (2017); (Paisaje de posibilidades), MAMM, Medellín (2016); Lafayette Anticipation, Lafayette Foundation, Paris (2015); Animal que no existeix, CRAC Alsace, Altkirch (2014). His work has also been featured at the group shows Concrete Contemporary, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich (2019); We where raised in the internet, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (2018); Mixed Realities, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, (2018); Cosmic Spring, Centre Pompidou, Metz (2017); Biotopia, Kunsthalle Mainz (2017); Mondes Flotants, 14th Biennale de Lyon (2017); The present in drag, Berlin Biennale, Berlin (2016); Sorround Audience, New Museum Triennial, New York (2015); Beauty Codes, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon (2015); Treasure of Lima, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid (2014)

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