1981, lives and works at La Paz, Bolivia
Elvira Espejo Ayca is a visual artist, weaver and narrator of the tradition of her hometown (ayllu Qaqachaka, Avaroa province, Oruro). An Aymara and Quechua speaker, she is the co-author of several publications, including Hilos sueltos: Los Andes desde el textil (2007), Ciencia de las Mujeres (2010), Ciencia de Tejer en los Andes: Estructuras y técnicas de faz de urdimbre (2012) and El Textil Tridimensional: El Tejido como Objeto y como Sujeto (2013). She was the director of the Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore in La Paz, Bolivia between 2013 and 2020, and she was granted the Eduardo Avaroa Award in the Arts, Specialty Native Textiles, in 2013.