1994, lives and works at Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Erick Peres uses authorial images, archives, interventions in image and text, interspersing literature, fiction, and image. Through the emotional landscape of his neighborhood and popular culture, he transits between memory and the present, filling in the gaps of flawed memory with chronicles of autofiction. He researches the historical absences of his space and the territory of his origin, starting from Vila Ipê1, the eastern extremity of his city. He organizes the discomfiture surrounding him – crooked novels, abrupt ends, and the mutilated genealogy with its absences reconstructed by the hands of those who are in the centres of the margins.
Recently he has participated and held exhibitions at MAM RIO, Goethe Institute Munich, Galleria d’arte Moderna Itália – Catania, Contemporary Daily Award, etc. His work belongs to the collection of MAM RIO, Alayde Alves, etc.
The artist participated in Pivô Pesquisa 2023.