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02:43 - 09/10/2023
Federico Pérez Villoro

1987, México City, México

Federico Pérez Villoro is an artist and researcher living and working in Mexico City. Through texts, performances, and digital artifacts, Federico explores the ways in which state, corporate and institutional authority is exercised technologically. His work has been exhibited internationally and published by The Serving Library, Printed Matter, C Magazine, diSONARE, Gato Negro Ediciones and the Walker Art Center’s The Gradient. His investigations have also been featured in journalistic outlets such as Quinto Elemento Lab, The New York Times, Aristegui Noticias among others. Federico has taught at the Rhode Island School of Design and California College of the Arts and lectured at schools such as ETH Zurich, Rutgers University, CalArts, The New School, UNAM, Escuela de Artes Jalisco, and Hongik University. In addition, Federico has advanced a number of experimental educational initiatives. He recently founded Materia Abierta, a summer school on theory, art, and technology in Mexico City that has been hosted by the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC), Museo Tamayo, Casa del Lago UNAM, KADIST, among other organizations.

The artist participated in Pivô Pesquisa 2023.