PT | EN |
18:42 - 06/01/2025
Gabriel Alonso

1986, lives and works at Madrid, Spain

Gabriel Alonso is an artist, living and working in the city of Madrid. Trained between the

ETSAM (Madrid), the Technische Universität (Berlin), and Columbia University in New York at the MS-
CCCP, where he graduated with honors with his research thesis An Archaeology of Containment. In his

works, through various formats such as installation, sculpture, photography, and video, he investigates
the contemporary relations between fiction and materiality, to blur the binomials between the real and
the imagined, between the human and the artificial, and between the natural and the cultural.
Represented by Pradiauto Gallery (MAD), his work has been exhibited in different galleries and
international exhibitions, such as Pradiauto (Madrid), Nordés Galería (Santiago de Compostela),
CaixaForum (Barcelona), Centro- Centro 2022 (Madrid), Fundación Lacaixa 2022 (Bcn), Matadero 2019
(Madrid), John Doe Gallery 2018 (New York), IIAF2018 (New York), Poor Media Leuven 2016 (Belgium),
Espacio Las Aguas 2015 (Madrid), Mila Gallery 2014 (Berlin) among others. He has been assistant
professor at Barnard College of Columbia University (Nyc) and in the Master of Advanced Architecture at
ETSAM, and has given several lectures at international institutions, museums, and universities. In 2020,
he received the Creation Grant from Madrid City Council for his project La Retina de Los Mamíferos. In
2015, he received the FAD award for his publication Desierto, and in 2016, he was awarded one of the
prestigious grants from the Graham Foundation for the Fine Arts. In 2020 he founded the Institute for
Postnatural Studies, a centre for artistic experimentation from which to explore and problematize
postnature as a framework for contemporary creation.

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