PT | EN |
21:02 - 12/11/2024
George Teles

She lives and works between the cities of Feira de Santana and Salvador. She moves between the languages of drawing, printmaking, and painting, currently dedicating herself to investigations in contemporary impressions. Her research revolves around memory and the body, collection and displacement, and the encounter of the body with territory, proposing the technical expansion of printmaking and painting towards the agency of the materialities themselves. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). In 2021, she published her first book, Afetos da Travessia.

Selected exhibitions: Lambeduras, colisões e rotas de desvio at the São Paulo Cultural Center (solo exhibition – 2024); Duas Braçadas e Meia at RV Cultura e Arte, Salvador – BA (solo exhibition – 2024); 64a Edição dos Salões de Artes Visuais da Bahia at the Museum of Art of Bahia, Salvador – BA (group exhibition – 2022); Feira ZONAMACO Arte Contemporâneo, Mexico City – MX (group exhibition – 2023); Sidney Amaral: um espelho na história at Almeida e Dale Galeria de Arte, São Paulo – SP (2022); Do voo às narinas respirar, braços largos, mensagens ao vento at Hoa Galeria, São Paulo – SP (group exhibition – 2023). Since 2019, she has been part of the Práticas Desobedientes program, which trains young artists.

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