1988, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gilson Plano (Goiânia, Goiás, 1988) is an artist, educator and cultural manager. In his works, he proposes an intersection between sculpture, action and narratives. He researches the artistic production of the imaginary about the history of the black body, accompanied by the ideas of weight, fiction and enchantment. Plano is a PhD candidate in at UERJ. He was part of the deformation program of EAV Parque Lage - 2019; Pivô Arte e Pesquisa - 2021#3 - 2021. He has participated in group exhibitions as "Festival do Valongo" 2019; "A casa carioca" - MAR; "Hábito e Habitante" - EAV, among others; His solo shows include: "Turvo" - 2020 and "Como erguer tempestades" - 2021 and "Pássaros e Pedras" 2022. Participated in the exhibition 'de montañas submarinas o fogo faz ilhas [from underwater mountains fire makes islands]', curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel, in 2022