1980, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
PhD in Visual Art- History, Theory and Art critic (PPGAV-UFRGS). Assistant teacher in History, Theory and Art Critic and Metodology and Practice in Art teaching (UERGS). Participated as educational curator at Bienal 12 (Bienal do Mercosul); Member of the curational committee at Associação Nacional de Pesquisadores em Artes Plasticas-ANPAP; Member of the Educational Program UERGS-MARGS. Member of the collection committee at Museu de Arte do RS – MARGS. Works on articulations between exhibition, filmic assemblage, histories of art and racialization in Brazilian art, visibility of the individuals in visual arts. Author of the Thesis Filmic Assemblage and exhibition: Vozes Negras no Cubo BRanco da Arte Brasileira ( Black Voices in the White Cube of Brazilian Art). Member of Flume-Grupo a research group on Education and Visual Arts. Has been keeping activities on debate and qualification on Brazilian art and racialization in institutions like MASP- Museu de Arte de São Paulo, Instituto Itaú Cultural, Instituto Moreira Salles, MAC/USP – Contemporary Art Museum at USP, universities in Brazil and abroad. Currently, besides the academic activities, integrates the curatorial committee in national exhibitions focusing on tema, opened in 2022:“Presença Negra no Museu de Arte do Rio Grande do Sul”. Contributes with various publications in Brazil and abroad, as well as national and international events like AWARE - Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions. One of the 8 advisory members of the latest initiative provisionally entitled “Rewriting Art History in the Americas: BIPOC Women Artists in the 19th and 20th Centuries” and Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg / Germany in comprehensive publication, which will accompany our thematic exhibition with focus on "Art and Feminisms" in 2022. curator advisor in The exhibition “Enpowerment( Volfsburg-Germany). Curator advisor in the exhibition: Social Fabric:(Houston, Dallas). Curator Chief in “Dos Brasis: Arte e Pensamento negro”, scheduled to open in 2023 at Sesc Belenzinho (São Paulo).