1987, lives and works at São Paulo, Brazil
Visual artist, Master in art / education and PhD student in Arts from the Institute of Arts of the Universidade Estadual Paulista UNESP. Her research takes place at the intersection of art, history and education, with an interest in the way black artists engaged in practices to deal with the limits of representation. He has investigated the Blue Color Of The Clitoral flower as a possibility of color as a sensitive experience in the process of expansion of the senses. He participated in the public program of artistic residency in the Sertão Negro at the invitation of the 35th Bienal de Arte de São Paulo. As an artist-in-residence, he taught at the Department of Contextual painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria (2018). He participated in the 12th edition of the Mercosur Biennial and the 3rd edition of Frestas – Triennial of Arts of Sesc Sorocaba. Artist selected in the 31st exhibition program of Centro Cultural São Paulo (2021) and in the Project Season of Paço das Artes – São Paulo/SP (2019). Awarded at the 16th Ubatuba Visual Arts Salon (2020) and selected at the 12th a Gentil Carioca Gallery (RJ). He has works integrating the collection of the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, the Museum of the Portuguese language and the São Paulo Cultural Center (Brazil) .