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18:22 - 03/07/2024
Lais Amaral

1993, lives and works at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Lais Amaral is a craftsperson-artist with a degree in Social Work from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), where she initiated her research on the effects of environmental collapse in contemporary times. Her study involves comparing the contexts of environmental desertification to the project of whitening the population, nature, and the organization of life in its subjective and spiritual dimensions.

The artist refers to the act of painting as “leaking,” aiming to evoke the movements of nature and moisten the forms of existence. This experience is directly connected to the mysteries and apprehension of the sensitive reality that permeates memory and time. Currently, she is dedicated to recognizing her family constitution, inhabiting and stretching the sociostructural gaps between craftsmanship and art.

Lais Amaral is a co-founder of the Trovoa collective and has participated in programs such as “Any direction out of the center / Qualquer direção fora do centro” and “Cenas Para outras linguagens,” with Camilla Rocha at the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage (2018) and the course “Arte e espiritualidade – O caminhar como prática estética” at the Hélio Oiticica Municipal Center for the Arts.

She has held solo exhibitions like “Estude fundo” at Mendes Woods in Brussels, “No meio do peito um buraco fundo, o mais fundo da cachoeira, onde a luz não vem de fora” at HOA in São Paulo, “Vazante” at the Niterói Arts Foundation in 2019, “Bebendo água no Saara” at the Anita Schwartz Gallery in Rio de Janeiro in 2020, and “Cimento e água” at the M+B Gallery in Los Angeles in 2022.

Lais participated in the Trovoa Residency at the Hélio Oiticica Municipal Center for the Arts in 2019 and various group exhibitions, including “Um defeito” (MAR, RJ, 2022), “Abstrações” (SESC, RJ, 2022), “Somos aquelas que permeiam o abismo em busca das frestas” at the Tomie Ohtake Institute (SP, 2021), “Crônicas Cariocas” (MAR, RJ, 2021), “Between Rivers, Waterfalls and The Deepest sea, Open Roads” at M+B(LA. USA, 2021), “Travessias 6” at Galpão Bela Maré (RJ, 2020), “Si viven en las mañanas, Interior 2.1” (Guadalajara, MX, 2019), “Bela verão” (RJ, 2018), among others.

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