PT | EN |
17:40 - 18/11/2024
Lázaro Roberto Ferreira dos Santos

Photographer and art educator, known as “LENTE NEGRA”, began his journey in photography in the mid-1970s. In 1990, he co-founded Zumvi Arquivo Fotográfico, an association of Black photographers that remains active today. In 1992, he organized the exhibition “O Negro e o Seu Trabalho na Feira de Água de Meninos a São Joaquim”, which was later shown in Recife, Pernambuco, in 1995.

In 2018, he curated the exhibition “Memórias de Resistências Negras” at MAFRO-BA and has since been documenting marches and protests against religious intolerance in Salvador. He has participated in several notable festivals, including: Valongo International Image Festival, São Paulo (2018), International Photography Festival, Porto Alegre (2019), Transatlantic Photography Festival, Instituto Mario Cravo Neto, Salvador (2019).

In 2021, he revisited the “Memórias de Resistências Negras” exhibition in digital format, published a commemorative catalog for the 30th anniversary of Zumvi, and produced a video mapping project featuring photographs from Nelson Mandela’s visit to Salvador.

His work has been featured in exhibitions such as: “Carolina Maria de Jesus, um Brasil para os brasileiros”, Instituto Moreira Salles (2021), “Um Defeito de Cor”, Museu de Arte do Rio (2022), “Dos Brasis”, SESC Belenzinho (2023.)

Additionally, he was selected with Zumvi Arquivo Fotográfico to participate in the 35th São Paulo Biennial.

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