PT | EN |
02:43 - 09/10/2023
Leo Felipe
Leo Felipe (Porto Alegre, Brasil, 1973) is a writer and curator. He graduated in Journalism from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and has a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the same institution. His research, which investigates the relationship between rock and art, Counterculture in Brazil, the party, as well as experimental methods of textual production, has already been presented at international academic events, such as KISMIF Conference and Noize Critical Party (Universidade do Porto, 2018); Tropical Underground Revolutions of Anthropology and Cinema (Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt, 2018); II Historical Fictions Research Network Conference (London, 2017); Artists’ Publications: Revision of Multiples and Conceptual Photography circa 1970 (New York, 2016); 18 Conference of the Austrian Society of Art Historians (University of Vienna, 2015). He was director of Galeria de Arte da Fundação Ecarta, in Porto Alegre (2011-2017), and curator of Pivô (2019-2021). His most recent book, A história universal do after (nunc, 2019) will be released by the Argentine publisher Caja Negra in September 2022. He is currently the director of Sé gallery. He lives and works in São Paulo.