1999, São Gonçalo, Brazil
loren minzú [1999, São Gonçalo] works as a visual artist and researcher. In his practice, he has been thinking about image, time, body and space from interspecific relations conducted by luminosity and darkness that emanate from terrestrial and cosmic existences. Attentive to minor and major choreographies, he has been building with the vegetal kingdom aesthetic tools that communicate the implicability between beings, composing audiovisual, installation and sculptural scenes with tree bodies, elements and artifacts. Graduating in Art from Universidade Federal Fluminense, he has passed through institutions such as Casa do Povo, Parque Lage, where he composed the class of Formation and Deformation in 2021 and Galpão Bela Maré, currently resident in the program ELã. He has participated in exhibitions at the MAM, Parque Lage, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Salão de Artes Visuais de Vinhedo, and in group shows in RJ and SP. He has also participated in audiovisual shows in Cine Bijou and in the Petrobrás Center for Cinema, contributing with the language of videovideoart for the experimental cinema scene. The artist participated in the video program of the show 'from underwater mountains fire makes islands', curated by Yina Jiménez Suriel, in 2022.