lives and works at Salvador, Bahia
Born in Saúde, Bahia, she is a visual artist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Graphic and Three-Dimensional Expression at the School of Fine Arts, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She is a Ph.D. candidate in Visual Arts at UFBA’s Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts (PPGAV-UFBA), where she also earned her master’s degree in Visual Arts, focusing on Artistic Creation Processes. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from the Federal University of the São Francisco Valley (UNIVASF).
She is a member of the Hybrid Art Research Group (CNPq/UFBA). In her Lab-Oratório, she works across multiple media, creating body-objects and word-images inspired by the principles of what she defines as Amefrican religions, with particular emphasis on Umbanda.