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02:39 - 09/10/2023
Lyz Parayzo

1994, Rio de Janeiro Theatre student at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Lyz is graduated in visual arts by Parque Lage’s Visual Arts School (EAV). In 2017, was nominated for the PIPA award and selected as one of the residents of the project “Art and Activism in Latin America” (Despina – Rio de Janeiro). In the first semester of 2018, concluded the artistic residency at Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation (FAAP). Lyz is trans, non-binary and develops a research that investigates possible and impossible performative poetics of the body and its respective material and subjective residues. Already held solo and group shows and participated in events such as VERBO Performance Art Festival, at Vermelho Gallery (São Paulo), “Histories of Sexuality”, at MASP (São Paulo), the opening of Sesc 24 de Maio; “Mostra Performatus 2”, at SESC Santos; 2a gran Bienal Tropical (Porto Rico), “Imersões”, at Casa França-Brasil (Rio de Janeiro), “Encruzilhada”, at Parque Lage’s Visual Arts School (Rio de Janeiro), “Abre-alas 13”, at A Gentil Carioca Gallery (Rio de Janeiro), “A Urgência de Cada Um”, at  Largo das Artes (Rio de Janeiro) and “Descamada”, at Behring Factor (Rio de Janeiro). Lyz is represented by TATO Gallery (São Paulo). Lives and works between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.