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02:43 - 09/10/2023
Moorina Bonini

1996, Wurundjeri, Australia

Moorina Bonini is a descendant of the Yorta Yorta Dhulunyagen family clan of Ulupna and the Yorta Yorta and Wurundjeri-Woiwurrung Briggs/McCrae family. Her works are informed by her experiences as an Aboriginal and Italian woman. Bonini’s practice is driven by a self-reflexive methodology that enables the reexamination of lived experiences that have influenced the construction of her cultural identity. In particular, Bonini uses video art as a means to experiment, translate, and reframe both personal and societal histories. By unsettling the narrative placed upon Aboriginal people as a result of colonization, Bonini’s practice is based within Indigenous Knowledge systems and brings this to the fore. As a young Yorta Yorta and Wurundjeri-Woiwurrung woman, Moorina is thinking of what we can learn from the past, which provides an interesting alternative when thinking about the construction of a decolonial future. Moorina holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from RMIT University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) from VCA. Her work has been exhibited within group shows and at various galleries such as Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Sydney Festival, Blak Dot Gallery, c3 Contemporary Art Space, SEVENTH Gallery, Koorie Heritage Trust and Brunswick Street Gallery. Moorina Bonini participated in the show Unfinished Camp@Pivô in 2022