PT | EN |
02:40 - 09/10/2023
Paloma Mecozzi

1989, São Paulo She is graduated in Architecture and Urbanism of Escola da Cidade College. She has participated in some art residencies, such as Astra, in Spoletto, Italy (2018), São João Residency (2012 and 2014) and Casa das Caldeiras Residency (2012). In 2016, her book of poems VERMELHO (2015) won award in the category Best Artist’s Book, by the publishing house Lote42. The artist’s work explores the images and its ensuing symbologies; the production of images as a verbal construction, and the use of words as a tool that goes beyond its borders; How many new images can one image create? How does an image become word and how can the word not limit the image? Mecozzi’s research engages words, graphite, acrylic and oil, using canvas as support. Recently, she has been also exploring installation and the non-bidimensional fields. She is a member of Ghawazee Collective of Action and she sings in Pato Preto's band, both projects composed only by women. Mecozzi also works with art direction for cinema and theater.