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02:43 - 09/10/2023
Paul Kolling

1993, Berlin, Germany

Paul Kolling makes works about infrastructural and economic processes and their integration into environmental and social structures. His research into and (re-)appropriation of emerging technologies is rearranged to reveal new perspectives that can be obscured through complexity and rhetoric. The outcomes are technological systems, installations, and hybrid objects that strive to make complicated issues accessible. Paul is one third of, a research group exploring the creation of hybrid ecosystems in the technosphere. His (other) projects range from objects and installation works for exhibits and galleries to publications, lectures and panel discussions. They have been presented and discussed at Ars Electronica, Biennale de Lyon, Drugo More, Furtherfield Gallery, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Schinkel Pavillon, transmediale and Vienna Biennale (amongst others). He is a 2021 BPA (Berlin Program for Artists) participant. Paul Kolling participated in the show Unfinished Camp@Pivô in 2022