1993, São Paulo, Brazil.
Pedro Zylbersztajn creates drawings, texts, performances, sounds, installations, and videos aiming to provoke subtle alterations in the protocols of everyday life maintenance. Among his notable activities are the exhibition "The Afterwake: Anaïs Horn and Pedro Zylbersztajn" at Galería RGR (Mexico City, 2023); the solo presentation of "brickwork" at Americas Society (NY, 2018); and the solo exhibition "Como se eu fosse o fotógrafo: Carlos Amadeu Gouvêa, 1971" at Casamata (RJ, 2016). He has also participated in group exhibitions such as "ALIMENTO" (la_cápsula, Zurich, CH 2023), "Time Capsule 2045" (Musée de Art et Histoire, Geneva, CH 2022, and Palais des Beaux-arts de Paris, FR 2021), "L'intolerable ligne droite" (Galerie Art & Essai, Rennes, FR 2019), and "Trembling Thinking" (Americas Society, NY, 2018). Additionally, he has been part of the 2nd FRONT International Triennial (Cleveland, USA 2022) and the 12th São Paulo Architecture Biennial (2019). He was a resident at Pivô (SP, 2020) and at Villa Sträuli, supported by a research grant from the Pro Helvetia foundation (Winthertur, CH 2023). Pedro was a Postgraduate Fellow in the Art by Translation program (France, 2019-2021) and holds a master's degree from the Program in Art, Culture, and Technology at MIT (USA). He is a member of the micro-histories research group at Casa do Povo (SP), one of the coordinators of the "arte_passagem" project, and a member of the research collective Index Literacy Program. The artist participated in Pivô Research 2020 and had the project um número conhecido (porém não divulgado) de rumores espalhados pelas páginas de uma biblioteca circulante [a known (but undisclosed) number of rumors spread across the pages of a circulating library] commissioned by Pivô in 2023.