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16:42 - 19/11/2024
Renata Felinto

1987, lives and works at Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Afro-diasporic woman and mother of Benedita Nzinga and Francisco Madiba-visual artist, researcher and professor-Bachelor, Master and PhD in Visual Arts from Instituto de Artes / UNESP-specialist in curatorship and education in Art Museums by the Museum of Contemporary Art/USP-Fellowship Post-Doctoral at the Center for Africana Studies’ Spring 2023 Artist-in-Residence at the University of
Pennsylvania (USA) – adjunct professor in The Bachelor of Visual Arts and Professional Master of Arts Visual arts of the Regional University of Cariri / CE-professor in the specialization in Cultural Management
Contemporary of Itaú Cultural. The art produced by women and men of black African descent has been the main theme of her academic research with an emphasis on feminine doing and narratives about these people creative-creators.

Coordinator of the Degree Course in Visual Arts in 2016/2017 and 2022/2023. Teacher and PROFARTES URCA / CE 2021/2023. Coordinator of the art subproject at PIBID 2016/2017. Leader of the
Nzinga Research Group – New (Inter)National Ziriguiduns generated in art that in 2021 participated in the Project Re – Connecxiones Territoriales under the curatorship of Catarina Duncan and grants from MoMA. Lecturer in the Graduate Program Professional Master Of Arts of the University Cariri / CE and the specialization course in Cultural Management at Escola Itaú.
Composed the editorial board of the magazine O Menelick 2nd Act 2010/2016. Composes the editorial board National Magazine APOTHEKE of the Study Group Apotheke painting studio PPGAV/State University of Santa Catarina. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the CSO Congress Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon-coordinated the Education nucleus of the Afro Brasil Museum 2008/2010-Curator of the 15th biennial Naifs do Brasil 2020/2021 (Miguel Arcanjo Visual Arts Award 2021) – curator do Educativo da 15aBienal Naifs do Brasil 2020/2021-curator of the solo exhibition Mulheres Raízes Da Conexão, by Soberana Ziza, Choque Cultural Gallery and Preta Hub 2021 – curator of the occupation Inspired looks-Raquel Trindade-Rainha Kambinda, SESC May 24 , 2021-curator of
collective exhibition archaeologists of affection, Bruno Múrias Gallery, Lisbon-deputy curator of the Institute Francisco Brennand ceramic workshop 2021. Associate between 2021/2024 ABCA-curatorial Council Solar Dos Abacaxis 2022-Evaluation Commission Rumos Itaú Cultural 2015-Evaluation Commission 3rd CCSP Art Mediation notice 2015-judging Commission FAMA notice 2021 – judging Commission
2nd edition of Black Art São Paulo City Hall 2021-Judging Committee 32nd exhibition program CCSP 2022∙ member of the PIPA Award Nomination Committee (2021 and 2023). Criticism of the FIT São José do Rio Preto (2022).

Recent exhibitions and presentations

Individual: Guest Miss Read Berlin Art Book Fair, HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt (2022) ∙ exhibitions Performar A Vida, SENAC Scipião (2021) and As que me habitam, guest artist 29th edition
of the CCSP exhibition program.
Collectives: Dos Brasis, SESC Belenzinho (2023)∙Crossroads of Afro-Brazilian Art, CCBB São Paulo (2023)∙Empowerment, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg, Germany (2022)∙Mar +collection Enciclopédia Negra, Museu de Arte do Rio (2022)∙Beethoven Moves, Kunst Historiches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria (2020)∙12th Mercosur biennial (2020)∙Afro-Atlantic histories, Tomie Institute Ohtake / MASP (2018)∙FIAC / France, La Colonie (2017) ∙ Negros Indícios, Caixa Cultural / SP (2017) ∙ Absent dialogues, Itaú Cultural / SP and Galpão Bela Maré / RJ (2016/2017). PIPA award 2020 ∙ Select Award 2020 ∙ 25th Anapolino Salon Award 2020 ∙ Artist In Residency in
Indigo Arts Alliance (USA)∙ participated in fairs such as SP-Arte, ArtRio and ArtSampa. Works in collections of the Afro Brasil Museum, São Paulo, Brazil ∙ Oscar Niemeyer House, UnB, Federal District,
Brazil ∙ Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil ∙ Museu de Arte de Artes Plásticas De Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil ∙ PENN Museum, Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA ∙ Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo ∙ collection of Brazilian photographers of the National Library of France (Bibliothèque Nationale de France-BnF ∙ Itaú Cultural, São Paulo, Brazil.

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