PT | EN |
02:42 - 09/10/2023
Sophia Pinheiro

1990, São Paulo

Sophia Pinheiro is a visual thinker. Her interest (un)rests in visual politics and poetics, creation processes, gender, sexuality and Native-American epistemologies. She defines herself as a totemic operator, grounding her inner plowgirl on visual arts and cinema. She draws and writes. Graduated as a B.A. in visual arts (FAV-UFG), she is currently a doctoral student in Cinema and Audiovisual (PPGCine-UFF), with a master’s degree in Social Anthropology (PPGAS-UFG). Besides carrying out drawing and film workshops, she is also teacher at AIC (Academia Internacional de Cinema) in Rio de Janeiro, in the subject 'Cinemas de Invenção'. She co-directed the films “TEKO HAXY – being imperfect” (2018), in collaboration with Mbyá-Guarani filmmaker Patrícia Ferreira Pará Yxapy, and “Nhemongueta Kunhã Mbaraete” (Programa Convida, IMS, 2020), with filmmakers Graciela Guarani, Patrícia Ferreira Pará Yxapy and Michele Kaiowá, a work of process art consisting of 16 video letters. Sophia is also one of the founding members and a curator of the FAKE FAKE collective (Goiás, 2008 - 2016), a group dedicated to the development of artistic-pedagogical practices around drawing. She was also a curator of  “Mostra Amotara – Olhares das Mulheres Indígenas” (Bahia, 2021) and of CineLage’s “Ocupar a terra, ocupar a tela – mostra de filmes com e por mulheres indígenas” film program (Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, 2019), the later during her attendance, as a scholarship holder, at the “Formação e Deformação - Emergência e Resistência” program from Parque Lage’s EAV (School of Visual Arts). Nowadays, she in an artist-in-residence at Pivô Pesquisa - Ciclo II (SP).  Her works have been exhibited throughout Brazil, as well as in Argentina, Paraguay, Spain, Portugal and Germany, in exhibitions such as the 25th “Salão Anapolino de Arte” (Goiás, 2021); “Letter From a Guarani Woman in Search of The Land Without Evil, at SAVVY Contemporary, during the 15th Berlinale Forum Expanded, inside the 70th Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival (Berlin, 2020); “Estopim e Segredo | uma exposição 5 cortes” at Parque Lage’s EAV (Rio de Janeiro, 2020); “PALAVRA Movimento Respeita!” at the ArtRio Fair (Rio de Janeiro, 2019)” and “Exposição Etnopoéticas da Imagem” at Galeria Casarão 34, Fundação Cultural de João Pessoa (João Pessoa, 2017). Sophia held her first solo exhibition “MÁTRIA” in Barcelona, in 2018.