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03:59 - 09/10/2023
Thiago Costa

Thiago Costa is a multidisciplinary artist that moves and crosses languages, investigating the cosmoperceptions of materialities and their manifestations between image, word and sound. He was selected in the Rumos Itaú program (2019-2020) with the multimedia project “IGBÁKÌ”; idealizer and curator of Mostra Moã de Cinemas Negros e indígenas in João Pessoa/PB (2021); screenwriter of the 4th Lab Negras Narrativas held by Amazon Prime and APAN (2021). He directed and scripted the short films Santos imigrantes (2018) Axó (2019) Visitas (2020) Calunga Maior (2021) and Axé meu amor (2022) with Amazon Prime sponsorship. He took part in the group exhibition “Maria Carolina de Jesus – A Brazil for Brazilians” curated by Hélio Menezes and Raquel Pacheco at Instituto Moreira Salles – IMS. Solo exhibition BANZO at the Murillo La Greca Museum in Recife/PE curated by Ariana Nuala (2019). He was co-curator of the group exhibition “A deriva da memória” at Parque Cultural Casa da Pólvora in João Pessoa (2019)., and participated in the 16th Salão de Artes Plásticas da Paraíba – SAMAP at Casarão 34 in João Pesso/PB (2019). Group exhibition Magia Negra curated by Tiago Santana at the Goethe Institut in Salvador/BA. He participated in film festivals such as the 27th Vitória Film Festival, Mostra Sesc Nacional de Cinema, 44th Guarnicê Film Festival in São Luís/MA, the 7th Recifest Film Festival in Recife/PE, Anormal Festival in Mexico City/MEX, among others.

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