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02:39 - 09/10/2023
Thomaz Rosa

1989, São Paulo

Thomaz Rosa is graduated in visual arts from the University of the State of São Paulo and was an artist-in-residency at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto, Portugal. In 2017, he held the solo shows “UNWELT” at Boatos Fine Arts, BFA Gallery and “Solo Project” at São Paulo Art Fair. He also took part in the group shows “Four Points”, Duas de Letra, Café Galeria at Porto, Portugal (2013); “Movel Up”, University do Porto, Portugal (2013); “Diligence”, conclusion course exhibition at UNESP; “A selection of the Brazilian artists Marcelo Cipis and Thomaz Rosa’s works”, Boatos Fine Arts, BFA, Milan, Italy (2016); “Circumscriptio, Compositio, Receptio Luminum”, Boatos Fine Arts, São Paulo, SP (2016); “Eight artists”, Galeria Mendes Woods DM, São Paulo, SP (2016), curated by Bruno Dunley and Lucas Simões, “Independent Régence”, Brussels, Belgium and “Yesterday, it was a long day”, curated by Guilherme Teixeira at Ribeirão Preto Art Museum.