1991, Rio de Janeiro
Yhuri Cruz Olaria, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1991 Visual artist and writer, graduated in Political Science (UNIRIO) and post-graduated in Cultural Journalism (UERJ). He develops his artistic and literary practice based on textual creations involving visionary fictions *, performative propositions - which the artist calls scenes - and installations in dialogue with systems of power, institutional critique, relations of oppression, healing performances, subjective rescues and repressed or unresolved social violence. The artist uses aspects of collective and individual memory, comprising the category of memory linked to fright and intimate hauntings, like ghosts that traverse time and space and build canonical and dissident forms of subjectivities and sociability. His most recent plastic and performative productions tend to relate to monuments, staged fictions, word performativity, aphrodiaspore presences and resistances, memorials and sculptures in stone and bronze. www.yhuricruz.com @yhuricruz