A bee, fireworks, print-screens of Instagram messages, a hole being dug, a wigged Pikachu and the sun – these images are only a small sample of the cascade of photos and gifs that constitute Eduardo Montelli’s occupation of Pivô Satellite.
In Só sei me transformar, apenas não sei em que [All I Know is to Transform Just Don’t Know What Into], the artist, working under the programming restrictions imposed by Pivô platform, introduces a vertical accumulation: one gif made from a collage of different images will be posted daily. Some images were photographed by the artist, sometimes depicting his own body, whilst others were appropriated from a myriad of sources.
Eduardo Montelli’s research plays with the notion of the absurd, using a great dose of acid humor and making us reflect on the hyper-stimulation of social media, keeping our anxieties in check. If Kurt Schwitters, in his famous Merzbau (1927-1937), was interested in the installation space and the waste produced by growing industrialization, Montelli is focused on creating provisional architectures in the internet and collages using what we often call electronic waste. What makes us look at some images as refuse and at others with affection?