PT | EN |
17:01 - 17/10/2023
Rakta at Oriana's opening

Invited by artist Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, the Brazilian band Rakta composed the original soundtrack for the film Oriana, which lends its title to the artist’s first solo exhibition in Brazil, on view at Pivô until November 6, 2021.


The music works as a kind of narrative thread for the work, which is distributed by screens of different formats spread throughout Pivô’s space, as a single audiovisual installation. At the opening of the exhibition, on September 5, Rakta performed live music based on the film’s soundtrack, in an improvised and continuous performance of six hours. Responding to the fragmented structure of the film and the exhibition space itself, the band performed distributed in different points, exploring the peculiar acoustics provided by Pivô’s architecture.


Rakta’s performance was part of the public program Respiração, which is co-sponsored by Beck’s. Oriana is a co-organization of Pivô with Fundação Bienal de São Paulo and is part of the network of the 34th Bienal . Beatriz Santiago Muñoz is also part of the 34th Bienal de São Paulo, which can be visited for free at the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion, in Ibirapuera Park, from September 4th to December 5th, 2021.

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