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"Big Package" - Mayana Redin @ Hello.Again
28/10 - 22/12/17
TUE - SAT: 1pm - 7pm

Mayana Redin was the artist selected by the third Hello.Again Open Call, with the project “Big Package”. The artist occupies Pivô’s reception with a large-scale painting – made by a professional sign painter that departs from a formal approach to turn the central column of space into a large package of the Brazilian traditional Maizena Piraquê biscuits.

About Mayana Redin

 Born in Campinas (SP), she graduated in Porto Alegre (RS) and currently lives in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), where she works and studies for the Ph.D program in Visual Languages ​​at PPGAV-EBA-UFRJ. She completed her Master’s degree in the same program in 2013. She holds a degree in Visual Arts from UFRGS, Porto Alegre (2010) and Social Communication from UNISINOS (2007). She worked teaching at EBA-UFRJ and Cândido Mendes University.

Individual exhibitions: Arquivo Escuro, Galeria Silvia Cintra + Box 4, 2016; Cosmographies (for São Paulo), Historical Archive of São Paulo, 2015; The Edge the Risk the World: Experiment # 2, curated by Fernanda Lopes, Palace of Arts, Belo Horizonte, 2014; Collective exhibitions: Reading room. SESC São Carlos. Curated by Galciane Neves, 2017; In Memoriam. Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro-RJ. Curated Fernanda Lopes, 2017; International Residency Program JA.CA – Center of Art and Technology. Nova Lima, MG, 2017; He who walks to the side, Travesia Cuatro, Guadalajara, Mexico. Curated by Claudia Segura and Luiza Teixeira de Freitas, 2016; Towards a new bank, no NC-Art, Bogota-Colombia, curated by Claudia Segura, 2016; Imagine Brazil, at the Tomie Ohtake Institute, São Paulo, 2015.


Curatorial Text

The maizena cookie is an icon, both because it is a common consumer item in the daily life of Brazilians with wide market diffusion and by its revolutionary visual identity created by Lygia Pape in the 50s, in a research that resulted in a new technology capable of adapting the packaging to the format of the actual biscuit (before only cubes of cardboard or hard cans were used in this kind of packaging).

The cylindrical column is part of Copan’ support structure, when observing it from outside the building, we see its extension through Pivô’s windows, on the ground floor is white, on the second floor is concrete and it gets back to white in the third, where we lose sight of it. By painting one of the visible parts of the column with a detailed reproduction of the product package, the artist creates a noise in the architecture and draws attention to this image so familiar in the Brazilian imagination.

As familiar to Brazilians as the biscuits, Oscar Niemeyer’s columns and Lygia Pape’s layouts meet in this irreverent and unusual approach by Mayana Redin. In the artist’s words, the humor contained in the action of approaching elements of opposing scales can, however, easily migrate to the dimension of the pathetic, and therefore also make the intention slightly melancholy: an ordinary and commonsensical image bearing the weight of a building loaded with history and ideology.


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