PT | EN |
14:50 - 17/10/2023

Mario Garcia Torres @ La Central

La Central restaurant and taquería, based in the ground floor of Pivô welcomes the  project “Thoughts come with pleasure” by  Mario Garcia Torres, participant of Pivô’s 2014 Exhibition Program . The artist developed a special drink’s menu for the bar:

Exhibitions can contain works of art, documents or many other types of objects to which we have given a certain cultural meaning. But, regardless of them being more or less of an intellectual statement derived from their use or history, our relation to them is first of all sensorial. Cocktails have been historically used as decoys to provoque a specific adventure; either at the very moment of drinking, or afterwards, when the effects of its substance hits the body. Each of the cocktails in “thoughts come with pleasure” imply a specific intentional meaning but also help to read the exhibition as an overall experience. Some cocktails have been previously used in an art context, and some others have been given a specific framework to be read from an artistic perspective, but their selection here has been made conscious of the fact that this exhibition is felt with the full body and read through a larger time span than most exhibitions which sometimes is extended through the next day. Sometimes, thoughts come with pleasure; but others times, pleasure comes with thoughts.

Mario Garcia Torres


*the profits made from these cocktails will be donated to Pivô

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