O Pivô disponibiliza, no YouTube, os vídeos do Laboratório de Pesquisa 'Cosmovisões sobre a Terra e Futuros Entrelaçados'

The event, which took place in March, had the participation of Irene Aristizábal [Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art(UK)], Cédric Fauq[Capc Bordeaux (FR)], Alba Colomo [La Escocesa (ES)]; Alejandra Rojas [Más Arte Más Acción(COL)], Denilson Baniwa, Cleiton Ferreira, Beatriz Lemos, Jerá Guarani,Anai Vera, Ana Avelar and Tiago Sant’Ana.
The project is a collaboration between Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art (UK), Capc Bordeaux (FR), La Escocesa (ES) and Más Arte Más Acción (COL), funded by the British Council’s International Collaboration Grants.
Watch the talks: