PT | EN |
11:50 - 20/12/2024

Pivô welcomes the participating artists of the Long and Short-Term Cycle II of the Pivô Research 2023 residency program

Foto de Marina Lima

Pivô welcomes the participating artists of the Long and Short-Term Cycle II of the Pivô Research 2023 residency program: Beatriz Cruz and Vania Medeiros; Charlene Bicalho; Maria de los Angeles Rodriguez Jimenez; Rastros de Diogenes; Abiniel João Nascimento; Andrea Ferrero; Charmaine Bee; Elly Ciriaco; Luciano Feijão, andMarina Dubia.

In this cycle, we announce two institutional partnerships with Arte Pará and Salta art, which selected two more residents to develop their artistic projects at Pivô. Those artists are PV Dias, winner of the Arte Pará Artistic Residency Award, and Diogo da Cruz, selected for the residency via Salta.

The artists will occupy Pivô’s studios at Edifício Copan, located in São Paulo, for the next few months, and will participate in a series of formative activities and collective discussions about their research and creation processes.

Pivô Research 2023 is coordinated by Monica Hoff.

Pivô Research is a realization of the Municipal Secretariat of Culture of São Paulo and Pivô.

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