Pivô recebe Unfinished Camp@Pivô, mostra de vídeos que discute perspectivas para a arte em um mundo descentralizado
Unfished Camp@Pivô is part of the interdisciplinary project Unfinished Camp, an international initiative in which several cultural institutions participate. It is built on the premise that it is necessary to listen to the new generation of artists in order to build other social and political imaginings of the world as listening is a fundamental part of the process as we work to create new and better realities. During 2021, the organizations that participated in the project invited young artists to produce a short video exploring the question: “What is the future of art in a decentralized world?”. Now, with this exhibition, Pivô presents 12 of the 27 works conceived from this question.
Unfished Camp@Pivô, curated by Ana Roman, is organized around three axes that are spread out over time. In each of them, the work of one of the artists invited by Pivô to respond to the project’s initial question – biarritzzz, Christian Salablanca Díaz and the duo Lina Mazenett and David Quiroga – is placed in dialogue with three artists invited by other institutions.
While diverse in terms of form and theme, the selected works signal the limits of advancements in the fields of connectivity and Artificial Intelligence and articulate the exhaustion and crisis of our contemporary ways of existence. Increasingly guided by collective and transdisciplinary practices, the notions of technology, knowledge and ecology are amplified by these artists, who, in their practice, incorporate ideas of reciprocity, solidarity and friendship between the human and the non-human.
Unfinished Camp@Pivô
Curated by Ana Roman
01.06 – 31.07
Wed – Sun, 13 – 19h
Free entry
Program 1
Christian Salablanca Díaz, Helena Uambembe, The Botswana Pavilion and Jazz Money
01.06 – 19.06
Program 2
biarritzzz, Georgica Pettus, Naomi Lulendo, Wang Yuyu
22.06 – 09.07
Program 3
Lina Mazenett and David Quiroga, Jota Mombaça, Paul Kolling and Moorina Bonini
13.07 – 31.07