The Funny Seminars, by Raylander Mártis dos Anjos, wraps Pivô Satellite's first edition

The Funny Seminars, by artist and researcher Raylander Mártis dos Anjos wraps Pivô Satellite’s first edition. The project is part of the digital exhibition The days before the crash, curated by Diane Lima With the theme “The sayings and the unspoken of laughter” it proposes a set of free conferences on laughter in the Brazilian and international context. The first edition is part of a set of long-term propositions called Funny Seminars and aims to investigate the themes that involve laughter, play and humor at historical, aesthetic and political levels. The seminar will be mediated by Raylander Mártis dos Anjos and the clown Fiapo Marrom The project will be featured on Pivô Satellite from October 26 to November 26.
Raylander Mártis dos Anjos was born in the world’s end and currently lives in São Paulo. In her artistic practice, she seeks to establish a dialogue between the collective history and her own history, which she has called a choral practice, involving collaborative processes. In addition to the artist, the seminar includes the participation of Alex Sandro Duarte, Cibele Mateus, Fiapo Brown, Flã de Paçoca Lindo, Mateus do Cavalo Marinho, Ruanes Coelho, among other guests. The 1st edition of the Funny Seminars will discuss topics such as “Clownish entries and silly performances”, “The funny genre” and “A Mestiça: a Brazilian novel and the laughable in the 20th century”. The opening ceremony “The circus reenchants the museum” will launch the program.
Diane Lima is responsible for the curatorial project that started Pivô Satellite. The Days Before The Crash suggests a move back to what was being predicted, speculated and denounced before the pandemic, by a group of racialized and dissident artists with extensive experience in postponing the imminence of their own crashes. The first selected artist was Rebeca Carapiá, followed by biarritzzz, Diego Araúja, and Raylander Martís dos Anjos, each one occupying the digital platform with monthly individual projects.