1987, lives and works at São Paulo
Gilson Rodrigues holds a bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts from UFMG and a degree from UEMG. He dedicates to painting and its intersections with other languages like video and installation. In his production, in addition to intense research on the pictorial making, research on issues related to time, memory and landscape is recurrent. Among the individual and collective are: Trauma (Galeria DotArt/BH), Por trás das formas (Memorial Minas Vale/MG), Quase paisagem (Fundação Cultural Badesc/SC), Jardins Suspensos (BDMG Cultural/MG), COLETIVA (Auroras/SP), Scapeland (Memorial da América Latina/SP), ARTE LONDRINA 6 (DaP/PR), 15ª Programa de Exposições (MARP/SP), 66º Salão Paranaense (MAC/PR), Novíssimos (Galeria Ibeu/RJ), 26ª Mostra de Arte da Juventude (SESC Ribeirão Preto/SP).