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17:45 - 07/01/2025
Guilherme Ginane

1980, lives and works at Rio de Janeiro

I was born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, in the Méier suburb. Ingressed in the Social Communication course at Gama Filho University. Then spent some years working as a designer/art director. Entered the School of Visual Arts of Parque Lage in 2007, also in Rio de Janeiro, to study about painting. Was accompanied by artist Paulo Pasta, now in São Paulo, from 2010 to 2013, at the Instituto Tomie Ohtake following the same path of learning about painting.

In 2017 I had my first solo presentation, named “Que dia feliz hoje ainda vai ser” (What a happy day today will still be). The exhibition happened at Galeria Millan, São Paulo. The group of works granted me an essay by writer Bernardo Carvalho. In 2019, I realised the solo exhibition “Algumas sombras” (Some shadows), in Rio de Janeiro, at Paço Imperial, curated by Douglas Freitas. My first solo appearance in the city had as a common thread paintings and drawings that emanated light from dense dark surfaces. Already in 2020 I did the show “Menózada”, a viewing room on the platform of Galeria Millan.

In 2021 was invited to participate in the exhibition “Crônicas Cariocas” (Carioca chronicles) at Museu de Arte do Rio, which had as curators Conceição Evaristo, Luiz Antonio Simas, Marcelo Campo and Amanda Bonan. The group show has as a theme to show artistic manifestations that permeate a Carioca subjectivity. Also in 2021, was invited to make a painting for the cover of the book “Mais Pontas que Pés” (More pricks than kicks), by Samuel Beckett, the first storybook by the Irish author published in Brazil, through Editora Globo. Still in 2021, participated in the collective exhibition Brisa, at the carioca gallery Quadra. In 2020 was indicated to the PIPA prize. Between 2019 and 2020 was a resident at the Instituto Lanchonete Lanchonete, Rio de Janeiro. What enchanted me at Lanchonete was the promotion of art and education in the communities near Gambôa, neighbourhood in the port region of Rio. Still in 2019, did the second painting for the cover of the trilogy “O lugar mais sombrio” by manauara author Milton Hatoum, published by Companhia das Letras. Also in 2019, participated in the group show “O que não é floresta é prisão política” (What isn’t forest is political prison), which happened at Ocupação 9 de Julho, São Paulo. Two of my works were taken by children in the occupation to their homes, a kind of prize for me. In 2018, participated in the collective showing #iff2018, at Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto. In 2017, was invited by author Milton Hatoum to do the cover of the first book “A noite da espera” from the trilogy “O lugar mais sombrio”, by Companhia das Letras. During the same period, by invitation of Douglas de Freitas, participated in the SOLOS session of Feira Parte, project that contemplated four artists in ascension that year of 2017. In 2016, participated in the following collective showings: “Desassossego”, which reunited young artists by invitation of consolidated artists, at Galeria Estação, São Paulo. In the beginning of this same year was “Abre Alas”, at Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, a party. It was between 2015 and 2016 that I was a resident at Pivô, period in which I consolidated a definitive move to the city of São Paulo. Also in 2015, participated in the Salão do Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, and in 2014, the show “Contínua” at Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri, São Paulo. The years of 2013 and 14, consecutively, participated in the Salons at MARP (Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto). Some of my works integrate the principal brazilian collections, among them the collection of Instituto Figueiredo Ferraz, Ribeirão Preto.

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